Minería de Crypto

Retail Electricity

From fixed-price plans to innovative structured options, we offer a range of retail electricity products tailored to your business needs.

  • Traditional Products: Fixed, Load Following, Block and Index, Full Index, etc.
  • Structured Products: A+ RetailTM, Block Miner PlusTM, and more.

Demand Response

Maximize your operational flexibility and earn incentives by participating in demand response via our Ammper Power ReturnsTM program.

  • Emergency Response Service (“ERS”), 4CP Mitigation, Economic Demand Response and participation in the Ancillary Service Markets.
  • The Ammper Power Portal monitors market information and sends signals to our customers or directly to equipment they want to control, allowing them to react to market movements in real time. Customers can also monitor their load and asset performance to ensure strategies are functioning properly.
Demand Response
Minería de Crypto

Asset Management

Our team specializes in managing and optimizing a variety of generation and load resources, including off-site, on-site, and utility-scale facilities.

  • Our Market Operations Desk (“MOD”) manages assets’ interaction with the ISO from a financial perspective; defining financial strategies that create economic value for our customers, entering bilateral transactions, submitting schedules, performing settlements, and reporting.
  • Our Network Operations Center (“NOC”) is focused on the physical aspects of assets’ operation. Our NOC receives dispatch instructions from the ISO and transmits and/or executes them directly to the generation or load resource. Via our SCADA system, we receive thousands of data points at the substation or asset level that allow us to control assets and to have a full view of the asset’s performance and prevent or correct failures.

Sustainability Solutions

  • Partner with us to develop integrated sustainability strategies; from carbon footprint baseline measurement and reporting to renewable energy procurement.
  • Access to global and local Environmental Attributes Certificates (“EAC”) markets, including our A+ REC product.
  • On bill financing for Energy Conservation Measures (“ECM”).

Ready to Take Control of Your Energy Future?

Contact us today to learn more about how Ammper Power can empower your business to thrive in the changing energy landscape.

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